Benefits and harms of peanuts because few people know that peanut is not actually nut, but belongs to a legume family. It is quite calorie in 100 g contains 550 calories and so we need to be careful when consuming it. Peanuts contain many vitamins, some of which are B, D, E and A, filmic acid, aminoacids.
An advantage of peanut is that it lacks cholesterol and is rich in vegetable fats. Peanut consumption is thought to normalize blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. It strengthens our immune system, acts favorably on the nervous system, depressions and nervousness, improves our mood and memory.
It is also believed that peanuts can fight stones in the kidneys, improve digestion and remove toxins from the body. Peanuts are very useful for people who can consume them, but there are those that can not.
People who suffer from allergies should avoid them because the peanut is a strong allergen. There are even cases of anaphylactic shock. People suffering from high blood should also not consume them.
Why are roasted peanuts harmful?
Peanuts, in the first place, are not nuts, as many people think. They are a leguminous plant and are a strong allergen. They are closer to beans and peas than hazelnuts and almonds, for example.
During the baking process some of their ingredients are lost, others are altered. Peanuts have a great nutritional value because they are rich in protein, fatty acids and carbohydrates. They also contain many vitamins, especially fat-soluble A and E, which have important antioxidant functions, as well as mineral salts such as magnesium, calcium, selenium and zinc.
All of these attributes refer to raw peanuts. In the baking and salting process these qualities are greatly reduced. Some of the physico-chemical changes that heat treatment causes are:
The pleasant smell of baking is called the Mayar reaction, in which proteins and carbohydrates are combined. However, this compound is carcinogenic and should not overdo it. It is good, therefore, when using roasted peanuts to remove the top layer of toasted pod.
The fatty acids contained in the peanuts are unstable with strong heating, especially at temperatures above 180 degrees, as it is in the oven. This leads to the formation of molecules with a carcinogenic effect and the higher the temperature and the longer the heating time, the larger the number of them.
Mineral salts lose their biological activity. When heated, they are bound in insoluble salts and can not be absorbed freely in the intestine. Another risk, which conceals the consumption of roasted peanuts, is related to added cooking salt. The intake of large amounts of her proven effect on the occurrence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.